Chances are you will most likely have multiple significant life-altering experiences during the course of your life – especially in your adult years.

Understanding the true nature of these ordeals can make the difference between simply managing them or having them be catalysts for, or a necessary manifestation of, an awakening experience. 

Who of us hasn’t already experienced one or more of the following occurrences:

➔ divorce/relationship breakup
➔ death of a loved one or significant other (including pet),
➔ physical or mental health crisis
➔ a sufferer of abuse/neglect/trauma (past or present)
➔ financial hardship
➔ job loss
➔ witnessing a traumatic event
➔ living through a worldwide pandemic (being infected by COVID/watching loved ones go through COVID illness)
➔ living in a society/world that is breaking apart on multiple levels simultaneously and daily.

When living in auto-pilot mode (a.k.a. ego nature) these experiences are considered external events that require a solution(s) or are repressed, denied or dismissed altogether. The goal is to manage these “breakdown” experiences and hopefully diminish their negative impact on the status quo.

🌱 When living life in a state of awareness, each of these experiences is viewed from an internal perspective and seen as an opportunity for a breakthrough.

🌱They are still painful but are considered part of the process of waking up.

🌱They are life-giving and generative.

🌱They are all part of shedding the negative effects of the ego and evolving your consciousness.

Some of the significant events in your life are actually generated as a result of being actively on the path of conscious living. As you become more conscious of what is (a.k.a. reality) you may find yourself flooded and overwhelmed by long-repressed emotions. Being awake means allowing these emotions to be released.

That may result in:

🚫 panic attacks
🚫 uncertainty
🚫 losing friends (or putting friendships on pause)
🚫 walking away from a job that is no longer in alignment
🚫 sensing a loss of self

Having a variety of grounding practices (breathwork, meditation, etc.) and staying connected to other like-minded souls is the key to having the breakthroughs that lead to true freedom of being.

Consider pausing a few times each day and ask yourself:

Is my perspective…

1. external-oriented (problem/solution-focused)?


2. internal-oriented (opportunities for conscious breakthroughs that lead to greater freedom of being)?

Ask yourself: What are the stabilizing practices/ways of life that I integrate daily to help me move through the intense waking up experiences?

I want to hear from you.

What practices do you use to help ground into the present moment?