An Immersive Experience to Finally Break Through to True Freedom
Nothing can stop you now!!
You’ve gone as far as you can go on your own or with a therapist, coach or guru and yet there is still the undeniable ache – the unfulfilled longing – the long-silenced internal voice that is shouting, “Free me from this prison! It’s time to live!”
Finally, the time has come…you’ve found what you’ve always been looking for…a way and a guide to help you liberate and live the best version of your life.
It’s time to do what you want to do, say what you want to say and be who you always wanted to be. Put an end to living life on autopilot and let life come to you in all of its creative brilliance. Follow your desire to be alive, wild, free, in love and a force for good in the world.
This is not a journey where you have to worry about where you’re going or what you’re leaving.
The Way is not another technique, approach, or model for building a better self. It is a liberation experience…an internal alchemical process that takes the grist of your life…the pain, struggles, suffering…and subjects it to the laser focused force of consciousness…dissolving it and allowing the authentic “you” that has been repressed, conditioned, diminished, to finally come out of the cage and LIVE! This is your Heroes Journey, your Exodus Pilgrimage, your Coming Home Quest, your Passage to Freedom, your Soul Awakening into its truest nature!
And it’s your birthright.
Unleashing Your Soul is truly about the dynamic connection between Guide and Traveler
The guide is an alchemist of the soul who intimately knows the landscape of the way. Where others have tried to solve your problems, educate you or make things happen, the alchemist guide skillfully helps you see how your struggles, pain and suffering are a portal to true freedom and realize the power to get there is within you. The guide also offers the traveler reminders of what is already known but has been forgotten for living an authentic life.

This experience is for you if:
➡️ You have reached your limit of searching for external solutions
➡️ You want to tap into your creativity & inspiration
➡️ You are stepping out of patterns and roles that have confined your expression
➡️ You want to cultivate stronger relationships with those you love
➡️ You are ready to move out of suffering
➡️ You desire to experience an open heart, quiet mind, calm body & alive soul
➡️ You want to savor and fully inhabit more moments
The Way is not for you if:
➡️ You’re looking for a quick fix, rescue, or solution
➡️ You’re not at a place where you can embrace deep introspection
➡️ You don’t take responsibility for your process
➡️ You don’t like change
➡️ Nothing resonates from this invitation

When you start on The Way, Here’s what you’ll receive:
• Ongoing support & guidance to consciously and effectively navigate your personal transformative process
• 1:1 weekly contacts (in-person, virtual or both)
• Bi-weekly LIVE & VIRTUAL group sessions (optional)
• Access to private Facebook Group & community of like-minded, kindred spirits
The Passages Of This Soul Alchemy
The process is similar, but nuanced for each traveler
Passage 1: The commitment to go
We begin with:
Acknowledging and Internalizing “I’m lost”
Identifying your symptoms and their effects
Understanding the progression of conditioning
Assessing your capacity for change
Passage 2: The willingness to see
We move in to:
Cultivating awareness… staying in the moment
Seeing what is actually happening
Identifying the script and maladaptive coping strategies
Starting the process of unlearning your patterns
Passage 3: The strength to be
We’ll explore:
Letting go of what’s not serving your soul
Navigating the internal blocks and barriers
Moving through the portals, thresholds, and tests
Acclimating to the “in-between” spaces
Passage 4 : The courage to embody
Finally, we deepen into:
Cultivating presence
Clearing the channel
Listening for the longing
Embodying your Life-Force
This is a journey that begins with your commitment to the unfolding.
Through the process of this year-long experience you will:
• Gain awareness of the internal blocks that keep you feeling stuck in negative patterns
• Understand the specific change that is needed to move through and beyond the patterns
• Discern what your soul came here to do/complete
• Cultivate the stamina, resilience and endurance to take the necessary action to fulfill your soul’s unique gifts and embody them in daily living
Meet your guide, Mark.
My calling in life is to guide other souls in gaining freedom from the cage they’ve been living in but can’t name or escape from. The good news is that the cage is self-imposed and so it can be self-dissolved… and then you will experience the true freedom your soul has been longing for since you came into this world.
After 30+ years of dedicated commitment to my own soul’s awakening process under the guidance of master teachers/guides , I have gained a keen awareness and familiarity with the landscape of the journey and have accepted the calling to assist others in navigating the challenges of this liberating path of awakening.
As far back as I can remember my life was centered around the soul. I was naturally curious as a child; drawn to the mystery and the mystical. Nothing was better than having a direct experience of what was natural, original and soulful in life. But there was one “problem” that I encountered daily in living a soulful life in my younger years… the adults who were the primary influencers in my life were not solidly connected to their own soul and so there wasn’t much encouragement or mirroring back to me how to live from my truest nature.
By the time I graduated high school I was out of touch with most of my instinctual qualities and beginning to feel the stress of living a conditioned life. What I didn’t know at the time was that I was living my life from a fear of “not being enough”. From this unconscious mindset I pushed myself harder to do all of the “right” things to fit in, belong, and gain acceptance and approval from others.
Little did I know then that my life was about to take a turn in a new direction. In college my soul started to come out of hiding and back into active expression, but that was only the beginning of a long, demanding adventure of awakening that continues to this day. If you choose to accept this invitation, know that it’s not about improving yourself. It’s not about being broken or diagnosing a problem.
This journey is not about finding a bigger and better cage to live in;
it’s about making breakthroughs to experience real freedom.

“Liberty” by Rick Beerhorst
Waking up is a personal adventure unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
This is not a linear path from point A to point B, but a scenic route moving you deeper into your liberation experience…embodying your soul’s natural, authentic expression.
As your guide, I will be alongside you every step of the way.
Are you ready to know the difference between simply existing and truly living?
Are you ready to live your most liberated life?
If so, you have arrived at the starting point of the journey.
Dare to move beyond your pain, follow your deepest longing, make a real difference in the world.
Let’s get started.
Unleashing Your Soul
A Year Long Immersive Experience to Finally Break Through to True Liberation
What have others said about Mark and this process?
Mark has created and facilitated numerous immersive experiences for people of all faiths and walks of life through the past 20 years…Coming Into Your Own: Finding and Following An Authentic Life, Sacred Pilgrimage, Alive, Wild, Free: Nothing Can Stop You Now, World Awakening: We Are the One’s We’ve Been Waiting For. This offer, The Way, is a culmination of all of the previous immersions. It is the “high noon” of his 30+ years working with others and his own personal journey. Freedom is possible.
Everybody’s experience of this path is unique to their conditioning and life’s circumstances. You will walk your own path.
That is one of the greatest benefits of this process… it is all about your distinct pace, rhythm and movement.
“Mark’s Immersion program is a deep dive into the true nature of consciousness, and a companioned journey on the path to awakening. Mark and the program supported me through a challenging transition in my life, helping me understand more deeply who I was, and bring the courage I needed to let go of my plans and find the life that was waiting for me.”
“I’ve never met anyone quite like Mark. He is a passionate guide, and a brilliant human. Simply being in his presence awakens something within you; I find myself feeling more excited about life and in awe of this mysterious human experience after our interactions. Mark is the real deal and this experience he has created is truly unleashing souls and changing lives.”
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes The Way a different experience from other programs?
The Way is a deep, individualized process. The majority of the experience is created around 1:1 interactions between you & the guide. There are opportunities for group connection & teachings, but the 1:1 focus allows for the natural unfolding of your unique journey; in all of its nuanced complexities.
When does The Way process begin?
Once you’ve completed the initial exploratory consultation call with your guide, Mark, you will be invited into the program. This call helps you both to decide if The Way is the right next step for you, and if so – your journey begins as soon as you make the commitment.
How long is the process?
The process of transformative change is lifelong. Your time with the guide is determined by your level of engagement of the process during and between the individual sessions. Travelers of this path gain the most by bringing a genuine sense of humor and a mindset of not taking oneself or life too seriously. Also, it doesn’t require a lifestyle of a monk or hermit. People of all walks of life can experience this level of movement at their own pace.
Do the 1:1 sessions take place in-person or virtually?
When are group sessions held?
Group sessions will take place on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month, exact times are TBD.
What if I am unable to attend a group session?
Is there a payment plan?
Yes, that would be determined at the time you commit to the process.
Is this truly worth the investment?
What is your refund policy?
In order to help you feel more confident taking this step forward, I would like to offer you a full money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with this experience for any reason within the first 30 days, I will refund your payment.